Brendan McKenzie

Three days in London

Monday, 13 August 2012

It's been a while since I left. But London still has a homely feel to me. I left a lot of friends behind when I made the move to Canada, and a lot of fun areas untouched.

I've been thinking about going back, just to catch up with friends and because I love the city. This got me thinking of what I'd actually do if I had a few days to myself in London. This is what I came up with. Some things aren't exactly what I'd do, but if I weren't me, I'd probably want to do them.

3 days in London - Trafalgar Square 3 days in London - Tower Bridge

General tips ------------

Day 1

3 days in London - London Eye

Day 2

3 days in London - Brick Lane

Day 3

There are some things you just need to see and take a photograph of in London: Big Ben, a red telephone booth and a bobby, to name a few. Take the opportunity today to try and fit them all in.

3 days in London - Westminster Abbey

That's probably all you could fit into three days, but there is so much more to see in London, I'm starting to think now I may need to book a few extra days...

Other things you might want to check out if you have the time...