So anyone who has actually been paying attention may notice a few updates to the site. This is very much a work in progress, but I'm getting there... slowly.
What I've done...
- Added a travel section where I can outline trips I have and will take
- Made it so I can flag on a map all the places I have been to and where I want to go
- Added the ability to comment on blog posts
- Made it so trips and parts of trips can be linked to blog posts
- Made the whole blog section mobile friendly
What I'm still working on...
- Making the travel section mobile friendly
- Sorting out something with my portfolio, I really want to make it something special, what it'll be I have no idea, but keep an eye on it!
- Find a way to nicely attach media (photos, videos and what not) to blog posts (and subsequently trips)
- I'll probably keep tweaking the look of the site a bit, but that's something I'll probably never stop doing.
- Make my "about" page a bit more special
- Start translating the pages into Polish
Anyway... enjoy the site and feel free to give me some feedback!