Brendan McKenzie

African adventure

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Had someone asked me a year ago where Mount Kilimanjaro was, I probably would have said it was somewhere in Asia. Now I am 14 weeks out from climbing that very mountain with my beautiful girlfriend, the one and only Lil' Miss Planet - Ivona.

At the end of September we're flying into Ethiopia via Washington D.C. then continuing on to Kilimanjaro airport in Tanzania. We'll spend the night in Arusha, then make our way to the base of the mountain the following morning.

We'll spend the next six days climbing to the summit, no doubt my posts after that will shed a bit more light on the reality of climbing one of the world's highest peaks, but right now, all I can say is that I'm extremely excited. Excited to be climbing a mountain, excited to be seeing a new continent and excited to be seeing lions!

After making our way down from the summit we'll make our way to the gorilla trek in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda for a few days before making our way to the Masai Mara in Kenya where we'll spend a few days exploring and relaxing.

From there we'll head back to Nairobi for our flight back to Toronto via D.C. where we have a 12 hour layover and will squeeze in a little bit of last minute tourism seeing the United States' capital.

Check out the plan (with map!) here.